Weekly Update, December 22, 2023

“To Be Known”

The other day, as I was talking to my 15-year-old in the kitchen, I noticed that he was sporting a new watch–a Hello Kitty watch. Where’d you get that?, I asked. And then answered my own question before he could get there. His buddy, _____, of course.

This is the same friend who got my son a copy of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense for his birthday, and who encouraged him to learn the guitar. This is the same friend my son competes with on a daily basis to see who can get first chair in band, score the highest on a math test, bench the most at the gym, and get the fastest mile on their bikes. These two challenge each other, celebrate each other, and just generally get each other.

As a parent, watching your child form meaningful and lasting friendships with people who get them is one of life’s greatest blessings. There’s something wonderful about being known–about being understood. You don’t have to explain your reasoning, justify your thinking, or apologize for your emotions. You can proudly wear a Hello Kitty watch to high school because it’s funny and weird and that is who you are and your friend understands that.

One of my favorite passages of Scripture comes from the Gospel of John. The “beloved” disciple begins his tale as all great tales start–in the beginning.

John establishes an almost symbiotic relationship between God and Jesus, both floating in the amniotic fluid of the universe and nursing new stars into being–each needing the other to bring forth their cosmic masterpiece. In the darkness of deep space light burst forth, and John tells us that the light was life spoken by the Word, and that this life-giving light of God was for all people. God, Jesus, and Spirit were one, and they enfolded humankind into their midst. Talk about a knowledge too great and wonderful for me!!

Often, when it comes to faith, I think we know (or think we know) a lot about God. We read Scripture and learn the stories of faith. We listen to teachers and understand the key points. We can say that God is good, or just, or merciful, or righteous. We can quote our favorite verses, and maybe list all of the books of the Bible. But knowing about someone isn’t the same as knowing them. To know someone goes so much deeper than being aware of the key events in their lives and maybe their favorite colors. We get to know others through relationship–in talking and sharing and laughing and crying and listening and understanding and journeying together. It takes time, and it takes effort, but the result is something so deep and beautiful and lasting that words can’t accurately convey it. It’s love distilled to its purest and simplest form. And it is what Jesus brings into the world.

John says that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us–we sing about it each December. But Jesus’ birth isn’t a pretty story to tell in the dark and cold of winter, it’s an opportunity to be known by the One who created us deep within our mother’s wombs. Because of Jesus, we can know God–we can walk and talk with him just like Adam and Eve did in Eden. And in Jesus, John tells us that the meaning and purpose of the universe–of life itself–comes into focus. Jesus invites us to know God as one of our closest companions, and it is in that knowing that our lives take shape.

At Christmas, we don’t celebrate the end of a story–rather, we celebrate the beginning of a deep and meaningful relationship. God made himself flesh and dwelt among us to bring us closer to him. How deep the Father’s love for us, indeed!

Merry Christmas! Sara


To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Nelson Memorial UMC seeks to be a place where all God’s broken, hurting, and imperfect children discover wholeness and community while experiencing the warm and welcoming love of Jesus Christ.  We seek to connect with one another to grow in our knowledge and love of God, to encourage each person to live out their unique calling to serve God, and to make a difference in the Boonville community and throughout the world.


Developing and Nurturing Faith in Children and Youth

Fostering Growth and Community in Worship and Small Groups

Provide Opportunities to Serve God in Boonville and Beyond

Worship This Week

This Sunday we conclude the season of Advent.  Our message series for Advent has been all about the Message of John The Baptist.”  This week, our Scripture reading will be from the Gospel of John, Chapter 3, verses 25 through 30.

A debate started between John’s disciples and a certain Jew about cleansing rituals. They came to John and said, “Rabbi, look! The man who was with you across the Jordan, the one about whom you testified, is baptizing and everyone is flocking to him.”

John replied, “No one can receive anything unless it is given from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said that I’m not the Christ, but that I’m the one sent before him. The groom is the one who is getting married. The friend of the groom stands close by and,  when he hears him, is overjoyed at the groom’s voice. Therefore, my joy is now complete. He must increase and I must decrease.”

Our  Gathering Song this week is I Saw Three Ships, by The Piano Guys.  Our Opening Song is What Child Is This. In the 8:00 service, our Praise Hymn will be Angels From the Realms of Glory.  In our 10:20 service, we will move right in to our Choir Cantata. We will close both services with four verses of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

The Choir Cantata at the 10:20 service is titled “A New and glorious Morn! A Celebration of the Light and Life of Christmas.”  You will not want to miss this special service.  This service will be live-streamed via our Facebook page.

Our Christmas Eve services will be held at 4:00 and 7:00 pm.  These services will be full of music, scripture, communion, and candlelight.  Both of these services will be live-streamed via our Facebook page.  In between the two Christmas Eve services our Living Nativity will be held on the church lawn.  Please make plans to join us for all of these Christmas traditions.

Virtual Worship Information

In addition to in-person worship, our service will be live-streamed. The service can be viewed on our Facebook Page.  The service will start at approximately 10:25 am following our Gathering Video.  Additionally, we post a recording of our messages to our website by early Sunday afternoon. 


Christmas Eve Services – In addition to our regular Sunday morning services on Dec 24, we will hold Candlelight and Communion service on Christmas Eve at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm.  The Living Nativity will be on the lawn between services.

Living Nativity – We are excited to once again host the Living Nativity on Christmas Eve between our two Christmas Eve Services.  We are still looking for a few more volunteers to be our “actors” during this time. We will have 2, approximately 1 hour shifts and are looking for up to 8 volunteers for each shift. There will be a signup sheet in the East Wing Narthex. We thank you for your help with tradition!

Choir Christmas Cantata – Our Choir has been hard at work the past few months preparing a Christmas Cantata for us.  They will share their ministry with us during the 10:20 worship service on December 24.  This program, titled: A New and Glorious Morn, is going to be the perfect way to start your Christmas Eve and Christmas celebrations.  Please join us in person or via live stream.

Help Us Spread Some Holiday Cheer – Our Sunday School classes will be Christmas Caroling on Sunday, December 24th at Riverdale Care Center.  We will meet at the nursing home at 9:15 am and we plan on concluding at 10:00 am to leave time to return for the 10:20 service.

Year End Giving – Thank you for the offerings you have made and are making to Nelson Memorial, UMC.  Your offerings, of your time, of your God-given talents, and of your gifts, help support all that we do.  Nelson Memorial could do nothing without the faithful offerings of its members.  Together, we are the Body of Christ.  When we are giving, we are being the faithful people God calls us to be.  As you consider your final contributions for 2023, please note that the church office must receive offerings on Sunday, December 24 for them to be credited on your 2023 giving statement.  Thank you.

Red Cross Blood Drive – With flu season beginning and blood and platelet donations continue to be essential to hospital patients.  Donors are needed to come together to help others in this time of need.  We will be hosting another blood drive the afternoon/evening of Monday, January 15th from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm in our Fellowship Hall.  To schedule a time for donating blood go to:  redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive.  Thank you!

Children’s Christmas Program – Thank you to everyone who helped with our Children’s Christmas Program!  It was a wonderful witness and reminder of the purpose and meaning of Christmas. 

Angel Tree Program – Thank you all so much for your generous donation of gifts for the Angel Tree Program.  The children, along with our own Nelson Memorial children, had a great time at the Angel Tree Celebration as you could tell by all the smiles and laughter on their faces.  We would like to thank the Education Committee and their wonderful children for all of their help!!  We could not have done it without them and our wonderful congregation. We believe everyone who participated felt loved by our Nelson Memorial family.  Thank you again.  Karma Haller and Debra Windsor

Coats for Kids – Thank you everyone who gave so generously of their time and money to Coats for Kids.   Blessings, Heather Beach.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing – Thank you all who donated time on Saturday, December 17th, to bell ring for the Salvation Army.  The money raised will help those in need living in the Cooper County area.

Events this week:

Sunday, December 24: Morning Worship Service: 8:00 am, Choir Christmas Cantata: 10:20 am

Christmas Eve Services: 4:00 & 7:00 pm

Living Nativity, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Church Lawn

Monday, December 25: Merry Christmas (Office Closed)

Wednesday, December 26: No Women’s Bible Study

Al-Anon, Noon, Fellowship Hall

Thursday, December 28: Praise Band Rehearsal, 6:00 pm, Sanctuary

Friday, December 29: Office Closed

Al-Anon, 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Closing Words of Wisdom:

 True joy is hidden where we are the same as other people: fragile and mortal. It is the joy of belonging to the human race. It is the joy of being with others as a friend, a companion, a fellow traveler. This is the joy of Jesus, who is Emmanuel: God-with-us.” ― Henri J.M. Nouwen