Weekly Update, February 7, 2025

“Small Ties That Bind”

This morning, I got out of bed and made my coffee. I said a prayer over my cup–my morning coffee prayer– asking, as I do each morning, that God will bless all of those whose hands have led to the cup being placed in my hands. I use the same phrases, call to mind the same images, as I go through the life cycle of a coffee bean. It’s a small ritual, but it’s one that grounds me in a big way. It reminds me that I am just a small part of something much larger, and that what I have and enjoy is not mine alone. Others have cultivated and nourished and shaped it, too, so at the end of its journey, when the coffee is poured into my cup, I feel a profound sense of gratitude for that first rich sip.

My coffee prayer is a ritual–a solemn rite that I engage in repeatedly, intentionally, in the same way, over and over again.

Often, when I think of ritual, I think of those big acts of worship that we engage in on Sunday mornings: communion, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles Creed, the Gloria Patri, the Doxology. And if I’m being honest, sometimes they get a little old (Apostles Creed, I’m looking at you!). If you asked me what I thought about rituals, in general, I would roll my eyes and give you my best 80’s Valley Girl “Uck–as IF! They’re so booooring!”

But this morning, as I pray over my coffee, I realize that I’ve got rituals all wrong. Rituals aren’t rote tasks that we complete on autopilot just because it’s something we’ve always done. Rather, they are intentional acts of worship that bring the divine and the earthly together in sacred communion. In going through the motions of ritual, we remind ourselves that what we are part of something bigger, something nobler, something stronger and more lasting than our little lives. Ritual is a beautiful mingling of past, present, and future. Our words and actions are familiar, having been taught and practiced over time, but they speak to us anew where we are right now, and they give us hope and stability for what is to come. There is comfort in ritual. And we create it, even if we think we’re opposed to it.

How do you order today? What are those intentional practices you engage in that give your tasks meaning? Maybe it’s a special prayer you say before each meal. Perhaps it’s going to the same space each day to meditate or read God’s word. It could be an early morning walk as you gaze at the wonder of a new day opening up, or a late night glance at the stars holding court in the night sky.

We all create rituals, and these small moments of the sacred infused into our day are the ties that bind us to God’s beloved kingdom. Rituals, whether practiced corporately or alone, build community. In the Gospels, we see Jesus pausing throughout his missionary journey to engage in rituals. There was the Lord’s Supper on the night before he was arrested, there was the reading of Scripture in the synagogues, and the mixing of mud and spit before a healing. Though Jesus’s ministry was itinerant, it was grounded by rituals both big and small. And it was the practice of those rituals which helped the disciples recognize Jesus upon his resurrection.

Rituals don’t have to be huge. We can practice them simply, quietly, in the midst of our busy days. They are a moment, however brief, to feel God’s loving presence, and to know that we are not alone.

Blessings and Peace, Sara


To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Nelson Memorial UMC seeks to be a place where all God’s broken, hurting, and imperfect children discover wholeness and community while experiencing the warm and welcoming love of Jesus Christ.  We seek to connect with one another to grow in our knowledge and love of God, to encourage each person to live out their unique calling to serve God, and to make a difference in the Boonville community and throughout the world.


Developing and Nurturing Faith in Children and Youth

Fostering Growth and Community in Worship and Small Groups

Provide Opportunities to Serve God in Boonville and Beyond

Worship This Week

This Sunday we continue our message series “Christian.”  This week’s message is titled: “I’m a Bible Expert.” Our Scripture focus will be from Paul’s second letter to Timothy, Chapter 3, verses 14 through 17.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you have learned it, and how from infancy you have known Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Our services will begin with the song Take You at Your Word, by Cody Carnes. Our opening hymn will be I Love to Tell the Story. We will then sing Thy Word and close our services with Take My Life, and Let It Be. Our Choir will sing Psalm of Hope as our Prelude in the 10:20 service.

Virtual Worship Information

In addition to in-person worship, our service will be live-streamed. The service can be viewed on our Facebook Page.  The service will start at approximately 10:25 am following our Gathering Song.  Additionally, we post a recording of our messages to our website by early Sunday afternoon. 


United Methodist Churches in Missouri have been challenged by UMCs in Eastern Pennslyvania to see which congregations are more generous in a Super Bowl Sacking Hunger Challenge. This Sunday, bring in canned goods and other nonperishables to worship. We will weigh those items and give them to our local food pantries. The total weight of donations will be compared to determine who the real Super Bowl winner is. Please join us for some fun for a great cause.

Join Us for Our Kids Valentine’s Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 16th!  – Make plans to attend the Annual Valentine’s Lunch hosted by Nelson Kids on Sunday, February 16th, following the 10:20 service.  The kids are going to be serving a spaghetti lunch. We are asking the families of the Nelson Kids that attend Children’s Church to bring a dessert to share! This is a free will donation event that helps support children’s and youth ministry.  Please make plans to attend, and share in love and fellowship with our church family.  The youth will be selling chocolate covered pretzels and strawberries following each service and during the meal. There will also be a silent auction for beautiful flower arrangements donated by Stella’s Flowers. 

Youth Sunday – Our youth will lead our worship services on Sunday, February 23. They have been preparing special music, prayers, readings, and our message for that day. Make plans to join us for this special service as our young people lead us to the throne of God’s grace.

Pipe Organ Centennial Celebration – 2025 marks 100 years of ministry for our Pipe Organ. Donated by Margaret Nelson Stephens – our pipe organ was originally dedicated for ministry service on April 27, 1924. In honor of this Centennial Celebration, we will host a special service on Sunday, August 24 at 10:20. Dr. Jacob Hofeling, who regularly preforms with the Kansas City Symphony Orchestra at the Kauffman Center in Kansas City, will be our guest organist that day. (This celebration is being planned to coincide with the annual Missouri Festival of the Arts, hosted by the Friends of Historic Boonville. The Festival runs from August 21-23.) Make plans to join us for this special service and celebration of 100 years of music ministry at Nelson Memorial for our Pipe Organ. 

Contribution Statements – Contribution statements have been prepared, and have been emailed or mailed out.  If you do not receive one this week, please call the church office.  Thank you all for your support of the Church and its missions in 2024.

Giving Through Venmo  – We can be found on Venmo at @NelsonMemorialUMC.  If you don’t know what Venmo is and would like to learn more, information about giving through Venmo can be found on our webpage at https://nelsonmemorialumc.org/give/venmo/

Events this week:

Saturday, February 8: United Methodist Men – 8:30 am, Lounge

Monday, February 10: TOPS – 9:30 am, Lounge

Al-Anon Meeting – 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, February 11: PEO – 5:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, February 12: Women’s Bible Study – 10:00 am, Lounge

Al-Anon Meeting – Noon, Fellowship Hall

Congregational Care Team – 6:00 pm, Lounge

Thursday, February 13: Baby Grace Size & Sort – 1:00 pm, Annex

Praise Band Rehearsal – 6:00 pm, Sanctuary

Friday, February 14: Al-Anon Meeting – 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Saturday, February 15: Youth Group – 9:00 am, Fellowship Hall

Sunday, February 16: Children & Youth Spaghetti Luncheon – 11:30 am, Fellowship Hall

Closing Words of Wisdom:

Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.” – John C. Maxwell